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Top tips for picky eaters

Although most animals love our supplements and don’t notice the addition to their food, some particularly fussy eaters may say ‘No’. One of the key things to remember is that something that smells good to us may not smell very appetising to our pets!

If you are struggling to get your pet to eat our supplements here are some top tips from our team.


Most of our canine companions do not notice the addition of our herbal supplements to their dinner however some of the fussier ones may take offence to new additions in their food. If you are struggling to get your dog to eat the supplement, try some of the below tips and tricks:

  • Start by just adding a small pinch (or drop if using liquid) to your dog’s food and give it a good mix, slowly build up to the full daily amount. Go at your dog’s pace, this can take weeks or a matter of days.
  • Mix the dried herbs with a little honey and warm water (this makes a delicious, sweet treat!)
  • Make it into biscuits
  • You can syringe our liquid supplements into their mouth….If they will let you that is!


Most of our equine companions do not notice the addition of our herbal supplements to their dinner however some of the fussier ones may take offence to new additions in their food. If you are struggling to get your horse, pony or even donkey to eat the supplement, try some of the below tips and tricks:

  • Start by adding a large pinch (whatever you can grab between your thumb and finger) or a small drop if using the liquid, to your horses’ food and give it a good mix, slowly build up to the full daily amount. Go at your horses’ pace, this can take weeks or a matter of days.
  • Crush herballs into a powder and add this as a topper on their feed
  • Leave the feed for a short period before feeding to allow the smell of the herbs, or apple cider vinegar if using the liquid, to dissipate
  • Wet the feed – They can’t sort the feed to leave the herbs if it is wet!
  • Mix something that they love into their dinner such as carrots, apples, honey, apple sauce or apple juice
  • You can syringe our liquid supplements into their mouth….warning if they aren’t a fan of wormer they may not like this!
  • If you have bought dried herbs but your horse won’t eat the supplement, try making them into a tea (This cannot be done with the GastriX). To do this measure out a quarter of a scoop into a small bowl or cup. Add some boiling water to make a tea (this will not affect the herbs), leave to cool and then add the whole lot including the water to the feed. If they eat their dinner with the tea in it, gradually increase the amount of dried herbs in the tea until you are up to full dose. You can then try adding it dried after a period of time or look to change to a liquid version of the same supplement.


Cats don’t generally like the smell or taste of herbs on their own, so we mix our herbs with sweet vegetable glycerine to make the supplements irresistible however, not all of our feline friends have a sweet tooth. If you are struggling to get your cat to take the supplement, try some of the below tips and tricks:

  • Start by just adding one or two drops to your cat’s food and give it a good mix, slowly build up to the full daily amount. Go at your cat’s pace, this can take weeks or a matter of days.
  • Use the bottle to drop the supplement directly into their mouth (If they will let you!)
  • Use the bottle to drop the supplement onto their paws, they should lick it right off
  • Add the herbs to a little gravy/make a broth and add this to their food